Saturday, 15 September 2012


written by mousan ali
You have no right to criticized others religions belief.Why some peoples are interested to criticized others belief? God and religions stands for belief. If you belief or not belief in religion but you have no right to criticized any religions. You have no right to force others. It should be must avoid to criticized others religions     beliefs and it is very necessary for happy peace healthy society. Some peoples like freedom of opinion and writing but it is not right to disrespect others religions belief.
 Recently the anti-Islam Mohammed film that sparked deadly riots in Libya and Egypt was destined to spur on violence.It is very unfortunate and sad to us. It has been creating unnecessary agitation among the society. It should be stop immediately. Everybody should have duties and responsibilities to the society. World political leaders must be aware about it and should be  maintained the peace and unity as the priority.

religions for peace
religion for humanity
religions for prosperity
religions for brotherhood
religions for harmony
stop misuse the religion

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


written by
mousan ali
dated. 12.9.12
Religions stands for peace
religions stands for prosperity
religions for humanity
religions for freedom
religions for happiness
religions for kindness
religions for love
religions for brotherhood
religions for trust
religions for co-operation
religions for understanding
religions for life
love religions hate violence
religions not for dirty politics
religions not for personal interests
religions not for political leaders interests
religions not for religious leaders interests
know religions care for religions
know religions care for humanity
love religions love peoples
do not misuse religions
religions for friendship
religions for unity

Monday, 10 September 2012


silence please
by mousan ali 
date 10.9.12
Sometimes silence is much better to keep our mind peace. It has play great role to maintain calm and peace.Today it has been great challenged to us. We all need happy life with sweet love and it is  quiet impossible without peace. Know about peace and love peace for better quality of life.

                                                                   sweet baby cute baby
                                                                  love baby see the cute baby

                                                go to beautiful  nature
                                                go to beautiful sea side
                                                 love  beautiful nature
                                                 nature call you
                                                find out  yourself from sweet nature
                                                my heart my nature

                                                         stay with your sweet heart
                                                         stay with your sweet mind
                                                         stay with your sweet memory
                                                         no sound please
                                                         no talking please

                                                                silence is my answer

                                                            my silence my attitude
                                                            my silence my outlook

Saturday, 8 September 2012



written by mousan ali
date 8th September 2012
no peace no gain
no peace no love
no love no life
no peace no happy
no  peace no healthy

WE   all need peace and happy life. Peace is the ultimate goal of our life. It is very important part of our life.We should always try to find real peace.
Some tips about peace
1.think good and feel good
2.maintain good health
3.regular exercises to keep your body fit
4.take balance and nutritional diet
5.avoid excess and unnecessary talk and thinking
6.avoid smoking,alcohol ,drug etc that are harmful for health
7.avoid excess activity,work load and studying
8.plenty of water and sufficient rest are required for good health
9.always maintain good and sweet relation with friends and family
10. avoid hatred,jealous and too much expectation with hope, dream and sweet love
12.sometimes silence is good for mental peace
13. entertain your life  with love,music, tour and travels peoples,social works sweet nature,sweet cute baby,children
16.sometimes walking sea side,river side,beautiful nature  and garden
17. talking is good for peace
18. respect others religions
19. try to follow simple and honest principle
20. maintain discipline in your life
21.try to maintain your lifestyle with positive attitude and outlook
22.unity is very important for peace
23.reading and writing are helpful for peace
24. love humanity and be social

25.follow the great peoples
sweet feeling sweet life
hope for best happy peaceful life