By M Ali

God,religions and dirty politics combination are working against common and poor peoples and also working against peace,development and unity.
A God lover is never perfect sweet heart and sweet mind. It is quiet impossible because all God and religions are full of prejudices and very old conception which prevent to change the world for bright and beautiful world and society. Sometimes they are so blind that they become fundamentalists and support fascism. Dirty politics always like God and religion for their narrow selfish power base politics which enriched their power and wealth.politics and religion combination are dangerous for common and poor peoples but it is very good for elite, rich class and imperialists. They never think public interest and always busy to protect their power and wealth.They widely use War, riots,terrorism and killing peoples only to achieve their narrow goals. They would like to use different paid media very much only for their own interest.So it is clear that politics and religions are main problems to change the world for peace and happiness. Religion ,caste, ethnicity ,skin color divide the world in many groups, community and society which are the main problems of unity and peace. World leaders use this religion,caste,communities divide policy . Only love and humanity religion make the all groups, communities and societies come together with a common platform. Think positively and think liberally and love humanity irrespective of God and religion. Always trust yourself and ask your heart what say your heart. Spread this message If you agree and love humanity and would like to change the world for peace and happiness.
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